Vivek Kinra
Founder – Verrific, PPO Profits, FFS Profits

Meet Our Instructor
Vivek Kinra

Founder – Verrific, PPO Profits, FFS Profits.
About Vivek
An entrepreneur at heart that mixes the modern business building mantra of fast growth at all costs with the old school model of profit first. As the founder and CEO of two large dental companies, I have eventually found myself. I am the happiest and at peace when I'm building something amazing. The progression of a product, service, employees, the brand reputation, etc are what drives me. I am heavily influenced by Apple as a company that is laser focused on building best in class products. Personally, as well as internally within my companies, all we care about is becoming the best. Being first to market is overrated. Focusing on becoming the best at all costs is underrated. The best becomes first in time! I am extremely glad that what we have built has been embraced by the dental industry as best in class at both PPO Profits and Verrific. Additionally, for the first time in my life I see a clear mission and a vision for what I want to accomplish - a true one stop shop of best in class software products and services for dental offices to serve their PPO and FFS patients and be able to (in simple words) drive higher revenue and collect all that they produce.

Fee for Service Journey: Unit 3
It's time to start conserving staff time! Learn from the tech and task experts while they discuss inefficiencies, delegation, automation, and what to do with all this newfound free time.
PDF Guides Coming Soon
Stay tuned for more information about my new pdf guides